Heien v. North Carolina (2014)

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Heien v. North Carolina was a SCOTUS in the Classroom case. It was decided on December 15, 2014.

Each term Street Law selects the most classroom-relevant, student-friendly cases as our SCOTUS in the Classroom cases. Teachers are encouraged to conduct moot courts the same week the case is argued, giving students the opportunity to follow discussion and analysis in the news and listen to or read a transcript of the actual oral arguments.

Case Issue: 

If a police officer makes a traffic stop because of a mistaken interpretation of the law, is that stop unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment?

Case Briefs:

Oral Argument:


How to Conduct a Moot Court or a Mini-Moot Court:

© 2014 Street Law, Inc.

This resource was developed with support from the Supreme Court Historical Society.

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